About Eran Fulson

Eran Fulson

By: Eran Fulson / Writer, Traveler, Explorer of Good Food & Historic Streets / For 15+ years, I’ve lived in Canada and Wales, road-tripped across North America, and trekked through Europe’s mountains, cities, and coastlines. Now, I help travelers uncover hidden gems and culture-rich destinations in Germany with firsthand insights and practical tips.

Hi, I’m Eran Fulson. Oma’s son and content contributor. When Oma, Mum, Mom, Mutti, approached me to write some articles about Germany, I couldn’t say ‘yes’ quick enough.

It had been a few years since I last sat down and written anything original beyond answering, ‘What is your password hint?’ And the thought of doing it again, this time as a job, sparked a decades-long desire to write as more than just a hobby.

eran woods snowEran Fulson. Few words spoken, more written.

Born to German parents, raised in Canada, and now living in Wales. A metaphorical one-pot medley simmering in 860 years of cultural influence. I’m old enough to know better, but young enough to constantly ask if we’re there yet.

From an early age, I always had a fascination of where my family came from. My bucket-list for Germany is rather long, and I am definitely looking forward to ticking a few off in the coming years.

Being first-generation Canadian, I have an affinity to ice hockey and maple syrup. The German in me loves rouladen and efficiency. My current Welsh surroundings have ingrained rugby as a way of life.

All of this adds up to a mixed bag of cultures and traditions, which has also given me an accent that no-one can really pin down.

eran canada glovesBringing a bit of Canadiana to Wales.

There hasn’t been much I wouldn’t turn my hand to over the years. I’m still not sure why, but conventional life choices, i.e. college, career, white picket fence in the ‘burbs – never really seemed to stick.

Thomas Edison reasoned, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” I was not aware of this quote until I was on about number 23, with a long way yet to go, but here we are.

That all being said, variety is spice and life is short enough to be a square peg in a round hole. In a past life I’ve been a ski-lift operator, welder, bartender, and a builder in three countries spanning 7,500kms. 

eran petrol sawA jack of all trades and master of none, is often better than a master of one.

I am a son, husband, father, and annoying perfectionist. Sometimes, that last irritating quirk plays out in the most satisfying ways, but generally, it leaves me facing the inevitable resignation of, ‘good enough’.

Case in point: There are only so many ways to fill a dishwasher for maximum effectiveness – allegedly.

eran snowTaking the boy through his first snow.

Among the endeavours I have immersed myself in over the years, woodworking has undoubtedly become my most complete passion. It is my calming escapism, be it in the shop or losing myself to hours scrolling on Pinterest.

I would humbly consider myself fairly proficient with an affinity to traditional joinery and functional artistic pieces. How does this relate to a travel blog? Not sure. But I didn’t know that working at a ski resort fifteen years ago would lead me to where I am today. So we’ll see.

Until then...