Wilhelm Emil Fein - The World-Leading Power Tool Manufacturer

Lydia Fulson

By: Lydia Fulson / Writer, Pyrography Artist, Thrill Seeker, and Traveler

Have you ever been working with your power tools out in the shop and wondered ... "How on earth did someone come up with this"? Or how about the old: "Man, this is genius!"?

I'm certainly guilty of over-using that one.

Let's shed a light on the bright mind behind some of your favorite, highly reliable power tools. This ground-breaking intelligent inventor went by the name of Wilhelm Emil Fein. 

Hands holding an angle grinder cutting metal and creating sparks.
Fein company logo

FEIN is a long-standing German company that specializes in power tool manufacturing based near Stuttgart—the very state of innovation!

With years of experience and the everchanging world of technology and new product innovation, FEIN is the best of the best of power tool manufacturers.

Perhaps you've been yielding an orange machine of power labeled with that glorious "Fein" name for years—without knowing its great history!

So, what was the first power tool? I'll give you a hint. You've most likely heard of it, or even used it, and I can guarantee that Opa has many.

160 Years Ago... There Was A Man Named Wilhelm

Little did the parents of wee Wilhelm know that their son would ultimately change the world of technological innovation as we knew it. And back then, there wasn't much of one at all. Of course, tools were made and used. But nothing quite to the standard and level of ingeniousness that Wilhelm brought to the table.

No one wants to be doing their handy work and have their machine fall apart, suddenly stop, or altogether not feel safe to use. Wilhelm Fein spent his years developing his company to create reliable, safe, and durable power tools for all makers.

With his natural curiosity for electrical equipment and mechanical engineering, he was destined for greatness in the power tool industry. His smarts and fantastical ability to create anew led him to have a massive breakthrough that would start his family's journey to a better life. In 1842, an inventive spirit like no other was born.

Early Innovation to Global Impact

Wilhelm and his brother Carl made the courageous decision to start up their own small company in 1867. From here, the "mechanical workshop" in Stuttgart, the company C. & E. FEIN, was founded.

A few years pass, and Wilhelm invents something that massively revolutionizes safety in homes and businesses.

Introducing... the first electric fire alarm! This alarm went straight to high demand and spread in popularity through Stuttgart, then quickly to over 10 other surrounding cities! This device lives on to save thousands of lives every year.

Vintage Fire Alarm Box On PostA Vintage Fire Alarm Box

*Ring Ring* Hello? It's Me, Wilhelm!

In 1877, Fein invented a telephone with a horseshoe magnet, mere months after Bell’s telephone was introduced! Now that's some tough competition. But not for Wilhelm! His model quickly topped the charts as the most used and best-manufactured telephone. It even won him a patent for improving transmission quality. Honorably, in the early 1880s, FEIN was asked to install an entire telephone network in Barcelona!

Now look where we are today with this amazing technology that stemmed from Wilhelm's great ideas.

Telephone evolution collageThe Evolution Of The Telephone

The First Power Tool: A Step Toward Greatness

In 1895, pushing the boundaries of technology, Wilhelm's first electric tool became a handheld reality. Drawing inspiration from small electric motors, made simple yet effective, his first prototypes led to the development of the first electric hand drill.

Its appearance wasn't quite as small and pistol-styled as the ones we know. That was until the design was tweaked and modernized in 1918. But hey, it was portable, it did the job, and it was new technology. No one in any kind of manual trade could turn away getting their hands on one of these bad boys. The world's first power tool... WOW!

Moving Toward the Future: Innovative Milestones

This breakthrough would be the most iconic FEIN power tool and set the curve for the industry of handy work. The electric drill is the very definition of handy! I certainly don't know where I'd be without it.

Passing away in 1898, Wilhelm Emil Fein paved the way for his company to continue on in success. Leaving behind his plans with structured data for future tools for the FEIN company to grow with and prosper.

From here forward, FEIN industries only grew in setting the bar to impress. In 1908, this small company became a power tool factory and quickly pulled ahead in manufacturing even more revolutionary tools. 

FEIN Power Tools

  • Handheld Sanding Motor - The portable sanding machine was the next big release from FEIN Industries.
  • FEIN Hammer - The first electric pneumatic hammer converted with an electric motor for a linear striking motion.
  • Jigsaw - These were introduced into the automotive and aviation industries to make the sheet metal work quicker and were eventually introduced into the timber industries.
  • FEIN-Zwerg (the ‘Dwarf’) - One of the most popular smaller-sized drilling tools that FEIN produced!
  • Angle Grinder - The angle grinder was designed to deliver powerful performance for cutting, grinding, and polishing metal surfaces. It featured a robust motor and an ergonomic design. This made them ideal for demanding tasks such as welding, pipe fitting, and automotive repair. 

FEIN was also the founder of the first group of oscillating tools featuring oscillation technology

  • The Oscillating Plaster Cast Saw - The first groundbreaking tool of the oscillating series that was the first of its kind in the history of technology. This included an angular oscillating saw blade.
  • The Oscillating Multi-Tool - This versatile device utilizes an oscillating motion, allowing it to be used for a variety of applications, including cutting, sanding, grinding, and scraping. The ability to switch between different attachments makes it an incredibly flexible tool that remains a staple in the toolkit of tradespeople worldwide.

Electric handsaws, annular cutters, the cordless drill, and more! The list goes on and on. It's remarkable to see just how far FEIN Industries has come while living up to Wilhelm's new standard for high-quality power tools.

To this day, FEIN holds more than 700 industrial property rights, with hundreds of patents and patent applications. They continue to impress with their universal system of professional tools.

Tweaks and modernizing aside, I suppose we all have German inventor Wilhelm Fein to thank for our ability to work with materials in the way that we rely on in so many ways of life! Thanks Wilhelm!